The first 100 days as team lead at Traxall Belgium

The first 100 days as team lead at Traxall Belgium


A new role within the company you work for is often a plunge into the deep end. The first 100 days are crucial in this process. After all, they form the basis for the rest of your journey. Such was the case for Jaron Roelandts who took on the role of team lead 100 days ago, after almost four years at TraXall Belgium as a fleet operator.

‘’These were intense days, but at the same time very enriching,‘’ he says.


No hidden agendas

‘The first 100 days were like a roller coaster – exciting, challenging and sometimes a bit terrifying. But above all, they were full of learning. I know there is an open and direct communication style at TraXall. So I felt confident. No secrets, no hidden agendas. This ensured that I could achieve results very quickly in a transparent working environment.’


Letting go and transforming

‘Of course, there were also struggles,’ Jaron continues. “Letting go of my previous position and changing and transforming the mindset of fleet operator to that of a team lead was quite difficult. It required a mental switch – from ‘me’ to ‘we’. I also noticed that the dynamics in my interactions with colleagues changed. As a team lead, the emphasis is more on leadership. Fortunately, I could count on the support of Freya and Nele, colleagues who both have a lot of experience as team leads. Leomont Wouda, Managing Director and Kurt Martens, Head of Account Management, also gave me a lot of tips. It’s nice to know that I can turn to so many colleagues.”


Personal growth

“Why I chose to apply for this role? Simply because I believe in personal growth. As a team lead, I get the opportunity to help develop not only myself but also my colleagues. Motivating, guiding and training others gives me energy. Moreover, I can now contribute to the growth of TraXall, an opportunity I didn’t want to miss.”


I eagerly look forward to the future. I want to keep developing myself, both professionally and personally. Together with the other team leads, I want to form an even stronger, more efficient team – just like a well-oiled machine that achieves great results.

Jaron Roelandts

Team lead, TraXall Belgium

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